- Pretty Good Solitaire

Cloud Cell



  • Why not run the solution Ken? Then you'll see the technique I used.

  • edited January 2024

    Ken, I'm having a beer I've never tried before. Not bad I suppose. 5% A.B.V. Some foreign brewery I've never heard of in some Banana Republic or other. Called Maine I believe. It's capital city appears to be called Portland . The brewery's called Shipyard. (Could be a typo.😊 ).

  • Apart from its carbon footprint, it was actually a very decent beer Larry. I tend to buy only bottled craft beers from small Scottish brewers. I can't see any point of anyone buying foreign produce when equally good products are available locally. Wine is a prime example.

  • Any partial saved for #596 (score recorded as 61) ?

  • Afraid not Larry. It looks like one of those games where I got so close and had an idea in my head that just couldn't wait so I'd started undoing loads of cards to try and implement it. It's very late but I had a quick stab at it. It looks like quite a friendly tableau and has just earned a "maybe". I'll tackle it tomorrow morning after Wordle.

  • First attempt this morning 51/21. Definitely maybe now.😁

  • Status now elevated to a definitely definitely.

  • I need help on 1935? My best score is 66/17

  • edited February 2024

    Been otherwise engaged Ken. Will give it a try. 🙂

    Could be a great start Ken.

    Don't think you'll need that.

  • Richard, how about 2003? I'm sure you could win it in your sleep.😴

    But me? 61/25 is my best go

  • edited July 2024

    I'm very much out of practice ken. I've been playing the games in the Hard + categories. 62/22 at first attempt. Going to try to introduce a JH.

    Definitely out of practice ! 65/19 so far.

  • Then that doesn't make me feel bad at all. I thought I was missing something obvious!

  • Larry played a few deals after the 1900 set. Perhaps he won it. I'll give him a nudge. He's usually too busy growing veg etc to play PGS in the Summer months.

  • Finally cracked it !!! That was a seriously difficult game imho.

    I promised I wouldn't stay up half the night watching the General Election results coming in, but guess what?

    Anyway the Scottish Nationalists got well and truly thrashed, losing 38 of their 47 seats in Westminster. Now i we can repeat that in the next Scottish elections I'll be delighted. 😂

  • Just noticed the CLOUD CELL thread. We did have #2003 down as a winner, but now it is entered into the ethersphere. 👍

    The other non-winners for the first half of the 2000's.

    #2006 = 41

    #2010 = 61

    #2031 = 47

    #2036 = 20

    #2046 = 54

    Had to wrestle the bird feeder from a black bear (ok, slightly embellished - just shouted and threw rocks at it.)😜

    Last summer was severe drought, this summer record rain for April through June.⛈️ ⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️which brings with it plenty of mosquitos.🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟

  • Thanks you guys! Larry, I feel your pain. All these rainy days aren't conducive for bike riding...😕

  • Try a paddleboard then. 😁

  • I can balance on a bike but with my neuropathy NO WAY could I do a paddleboard!😯

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