Anyone interested in seeing how many winners possible in Josephine? Forty Thieves was rated at 10% and we played #1-2000 at 47% . Josephine rated at 27% - obviously will be higher than 47% since it is same as FT but group movement is allowed.
I LOVE Josephine, so I'm in! The deals are exactly the same as 40 Thieves, so we obviously don't need to play your winners, just your losers.
Excellent Ken, here is a worksheet for Josephine 000's. Like you said, all we need to play are the 51 losers.
Also attached is #1023868544 solution.
We can post winners and the scores of any unsolved as we proceed.
#11 was my first winner.
Add #46 & 75 to the list.
Ken, the columns on the right are for Josephine only. We know that if they've already been won in Forty Thieves they will also be winnable in Josephine as it has the easier rules. Therefore #46 is already a winner. Nice work with #75 though. 😊
OOPS! I meant to play 48. (I'm going to blame the small print on Larry's PDF. LOL)
DOUBLE OOPS, I thought I had that feeling of deja vu all over again. Josephine and Forty Bandits are the same game. We did play the FT losers for Forty Bandits #1-2000 and came up with 56% winners in total for an increase of 9% over FT.
#11, 28, 75, 98 were the new winners for #1-100.
The game Richard and I have enjoyed is a wizard created one we called CLOUD CELL. Rules are like JOSEPHINE, except there is one less column (9 in total) and a freecell is added.
So, has Josephine been given a decent burial Larry? 😊
I think we have picked over the bones(aparte) enough.
How about 533882145? My best score is 62/25
57/23. Will try again later.
Winnable with difficulty Ken. Worrying back essential.
GOT IT! (But DEFINITELY would not have got it w/o your help.) THANKS!!!!!!!!!
More than a little tricky.
Any luck with 301624737? My best score is 64/15
#301624737 is winnable.
Thanks, Larry!
Larry, was it hard or was there a trick to it?
I didn't take the QH from the waste at the start, otherwise it was straightforward.
Thanks! Are you our new Richard since he’s gone AWOL?😇
There is only one Richard, so hope he's A(ctive)W(ith)O(utdoor)L(abor).
All right, Larry, try this one: 83203081. My best score is 57/22
Winnable, 7C column 8 to 8C column 6 opens KS to put a QS on.
I assume you mean 7C column 10 to 8C column 8? If so, I got that part right away. But how do you get out the 4D?
My bad, it was column 10. Get the 7S at waste 16 into play, that should help lead you to the Promised Land.
Hey guys, how about 103052121? My best score is 54/17.
I've resigned from that position Ken. Knowing that it is winnable, surely there must be someone else who can assist you. 😊
HOORAYYY!!!! Thanks to Richard's encouragement, I got it!