Your Spider is winnable Paul. I contacted an expert Spider player who sent me a full solution. From the partial solution I've created and attached you should remove a suit of diamonds.
I know you are good enough to win it from here, but if not, I can send you another partial or two until you do.
That's an eleven digit number Paul so I will hope that the 99 should just have been a single 9.
What is the correct number?
Please post the correct number. The one you posted has 11 digits in it so doesn't even exist.
Okay, if your problem game is #1650591568 then it is winnable. If it is #16505991568 it is not winnable because it doesn't exist.
I have saved my solution should you need help.
i meant 1650599168. is that winnable?
I'll let you know asap.
Did you manage to empty a column Paul?
yes, on the right
Ditto. Column 10. Couldn't improve on it though.
i once got to 3 empty columns, and still couldn't win it!! i don't remember how, and i can't duplicate it!
Don't you save your games? You can save as many positions as you want as long as you give them slightly different names.
The game number is filled in automatically, all you have to do is put -A or -B behind it and click "Save as" from the menu.
If you have a saved position I'd see if I can do anything with it.
I also emptied column 9 but not at the same time as #10. No further forward.
Modest progress.
Your Spider is winnable Paul. I contacted an expert Spider player who sent me a full solution. From the partial solution I've created and attached you should remove a suit of diamonds.
I know you are good enough to win it from here, but if not, I can send you another partial or two until you do.
Please let me know.
BTW I won it quite readily from the above position so any future partials will be of my own making.
contacted an expert Spider player
Who is that? Anybody I know…
Look at the "Is it winnable" disussion Spider #47 for the answer grasshopper.
Yes, Larry made that suggestion and I made contact.