- Pretty Good Solitaire


(From Facebook).

This is Debbie Butler - Mike's wife. I am posting the very sad news that Mike passed away on February 4th, 2022. Mike was a good man and a good friend - always doing small favors for the folks in our neighborhood. Because Mike was able to be home when our son Mikey was young. As Mike has been best friends with Roger for 72 years, being at home made it possible for Mikey to become lifelong friends and brothers with Cody and Ryan for the past 27 years. Mike was always there and was Dad to all. This has been the most beautiful and significant gift in his life. He loved playing and recording music with "Uncle Kim" many times sharing tracks via email but, whenever there were family get togethers - there was always the music and Mike's beautiful voice. The last few years have been very difficult for Mike as he had progressive degenerative spine problems that caused him a great deal of pain which got to the point, he could no longer play golf - one of his life's passions. My son and I hope that now he is no longer in pain and has found peace.

His services will be:

March 19, 2022 at 1 PM

Fairhaven Memorial Park and Mortuary - Santa Ana Ca

If any of you have pictures to share - please upload to the link below. We would love to include them in his celebration video.

In lieu of flowers - please make a donation to the

National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia here, thank you.


  • I will gladly convey any messages you wish to send to his wife Debbie.

  • OMG! What horrible news. I knew he was in a lot of pain because of his back but I didn't think it was terminal. Richard, pass along all of our thoughts and prayers from all of his buddies on the forum.

  • Oh no! My condolences to his family.


  • I am so sorry to hear this sad news. May I express my sincere sympathy and condolences to Debbie, all the family and all friends. May recalling happy memories comfort you in your grief.


  • In honor of Mike, here's a classic "Interchange" between he and Richard.

  • LOL! Good times...

  • Words can never do the justice to the legacy that your loved one leaves behind. Debbie, you have my sincere condolences in this difficult times.

    (As i have lost my wife 6 years ago, i know how it feels and i wish you a lot of power in this times.)

  • When I looked at Larry's screenshot of part of a conversation between Mike and myself, it reminded me how I used to torment him by posting birthday cakes with 90 today etc on them. Most recently I wished him a happy 100th birthday on Facebook. That reminded me of something I did at work many moons ago.

    The 2nd oldest member of staff at a shop I owned was having her birthday the following day. I went to a local newsagent and purchased two birthday cards. I showed them to the other staff and asked them to sign the one that said 90 years old. They didn't buy it at first but I then showed them the one that I had just signed for a 95th birthday. After they'd signed it and sealed the envelope, I said, "Watch this" and promptly peeled off the adhesive numerals. 😃

    I am altogether far too nice you know.

  • The Queen is dead ........ Long live the King.

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  • R.I.P. The greatest footballer the world has ever known. Everybody knows his name.

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