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Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 24 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 1:13 pm: | |
Help, Richard et al. I can't get Spider two suits game 42 at all! Can someone post the solution for my Mac? Thanks |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1772 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 2:46 pm: | |
Hi Elaine, will try to get it, when i found the time to try it. Richard is on a trip. Markus For all not Mac-users it would be nice to know, if it is winnable. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 25 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 4:23 pm: | |
Thanks, Markus. Elaine |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1980 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 7:04 pm: | |
I can tell you it is winnable. But I play in windows. I will try a screen shot. |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1981 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 7:07 pm: | |
Never mind. I entered the wrong number some how. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1484 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 9:22 pm: | |
I tried but was unable to win it. However, I don't play spider games very much, so it may still be winnable, but it looks tough. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 26 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 8:43 am: | |
This has GOT to be unwinnable!!!! help, help, help me someone before I end up in the nearest loony bin :--( |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1773 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 10:41 am: | |
Elaine, i have found some time to have a quick overlook. I think it should be winnable, but it is very very hard. I cannot promise you, if i find enough time to crack it, but i will try. Maybe Richard is soon back and can solve it. Then he can help with screenshots. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6095 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 10:50 am: | |
It's winnable Elaine. We just arrived home about 40 minutes ago. Will try to organize some screenshots when I get a bit more time. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 27 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 12:37 pm: | |
Richard, did you figure this out (and if you did, how long did it take you?????) or do you have a secret weapon in your arsenal that does it for you? |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1774 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 12:49 pm: | |
Elaine, in this game number you have a lot of possibilities to arrange the cards after the first click on the stock. You have just to try out all varations. That is what Richard is doing. He is looking for the problems and tries to solve them. He is the master of all games, but especially on games, where cards are hidden. And it seems he has a lot of time, which most of us don't have. Richard, i am then waiting for the screenshots, that i can after winning it post a solution for Elaine's Mac Edition. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6098 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 12:57 pm: | |
15 minutes maybe Elaine. I try to get an empty column as early as possible and the move all possible cards into the space in turn and settle for the one that gives the best result. Just trial and error really. Posting hints for this type of game is far more difficult. Try to figure your way from one to another. You can count the number of cards left in each column to help you work out the moves I made.
Stock 40
Stock still 40
Stock 30
Stock 20
Stock still 20 |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 28 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 1:16 pm: | |
Thanks, Richard. I'm so bummed out with your 15-min. solution time for what has taken me days on and off. Guess I'm just hopeless :--( I am really going to study your boards as soon as I get over my headache!!!! I'll probably need some more help figuring out how you did it. |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1776 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 2:11 pm: | |
Elaine, when you cannot do it with Richard's screenshots, then here is a solution for your Mac Edition.
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1777 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 2:13 pm: | |
BTW Elaine, you don't have to open a new thread for every game number you have problems with. Just post your next Spider two suits game number you want some help for in this thread. You can be sure we will find it. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 29 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 3:20 pm: | |
OK, thanks Markus. I wasn't sure how to go about posting but I'll take your advice next time. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 30 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 10:33 am: | |
Hey guys, I'm having trouble with #47 too. Any help for me? |
Ken Blackwell (Blackie9) Master Solitaire Player Username: Blackie9
Post Number: 534 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 12:21 pm: | |
It is winnable, I will go back and see if I can give you a hint or two. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6120 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 12:23 pm: | |
This is a BAD one Elaine. Even getting a column clear was an achievement. I will need to do a lot more work on it from that position. In the meantime I can only say that it MAY be winnable. |
Ken Blackwell (Blackie9) Master Solitaire Player Username: Blackie9
Post Number: 535 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 12:26 pm: | |
You can only move one card on the first deal I did so and it was the 4th deal till I got a clear column. |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1792 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 1:14 pm: | |
I am waiting for more hints (screenshot), so that i can also win it and post than a solution for her Mac-Edition. I don't have the time to try it by myself. I have also to work this weekend. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6121 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 1:17 pm: | |
Ken,I've had 2 columns clear for ages. I can even get two lots of 13 cards out of the tableau, but I still can't win it. I wish I'd have saved the game the instant I got the columns cleared but I left it for some considerable time and I can't get back to the original clearance from my saved position. I may have to start over. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 31 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 1:41 pm: | |
Well, guys, it looks like there's hope for me yet if you experts are having trouble too! |
Ken Blackwell (Blackie9) Master Solitaire Player Username: Blackie9
Post Number: 536 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 1:52 pm: | |
Richard, here is the solution if you want to post some screen shots for Elaine. |
Ken Blackwell (Blackie9) Master Solitaire Player Username: Blackie9
Post Number: 537 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 1:54 pm: | |
my partial
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6122 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 2:20 pm: | |
WELL DONE KEN!!! I'd just looked back here to report some progress. No need now. I'll not bother with the screenshots meantime. Markus has a Mac like Elaine. It would be easier to leave him to it.
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 32 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 2:27 pm: | |
Thanks, guys. I'll wait for Markus for the Mac solution. |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1794 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 3:51 am: | |
Thanks, guys, then i will try it by myself, without the screenshots. Elaine, i think you have to wait some days, because i have less time, as i mentioned above, and it is a hard one, so it will take me some time to win it (but i will do). |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6129 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 3:55 am: | |
Markus, can you not use Ken's solution? I will post screenshots if it is of any help to you. They could save you some time. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6130 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 4:13 am: | |
Deal 1/. Move AS. Deal 2/. 8S onto 9S.2S onto 3S. AS on 2S. QH. 9S+8S onto 10S. 7H. 4H onto 5H. AH onto 2H col 1. 5S. 6H. 5H+4H. Deal 3. 4S onto 5S. QH onto KH. QS.9S.8H. 7,6,5,4H. 4H col 1. End of Deal 3. You should now have this.
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6131 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 4:29 am: | |
Deal 4. QH. JS onto col 1. 3S+2S to col 7. JS. Col 2 cleared. AS. 5S+4S. 2H. 10H to col 1. 3H+2H. AH to col 3. 3,2,AH. 8S col5 into col 2. 10,9,8S. 9H. 3,2,AS. 8,7,6,5,4H. 8S col 2 to col 7. 3,2,AH to col 1.8S col 6 into space. 3H. 2H. 7H onto 8H. 7H from col 6 onto col 2. 6S+5S onto col 2. AH. 8H+7H onto 9H. JS onto col 4. 9H onto col 8. 2 columns cleared.
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6132 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 4:44 am: | |
KS into space. 7S onto col 5. 6S,5S onto 7S. 4,3,2,AS onto 5S. Spades out. 9H. 9S. 10,9,8,7H col 4 into space. 10S. JS. 10,9,8,7H onto JS. 5S. 6H to col 2. 5S. 4H. KS. 8H into space. 7H onto 8H. 6S from 3 onto 4. 3H. 6H. 5H from 10 to 6. 6S into space. 6H. 6S. 8S. End of deal. Screenshot.
All I have time for meantime. Perhaps Elaine can solve it from here anyway. |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1795 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 5:13 am: | |
Richard, i can, but that's not so easy. I have to change between Windows 7 and Mac and have to remember the moves and with the screenshots it is a little more challenging than to just replay a solution. Thanks. I think i will solve it with them and when not, i can still use the solution. It simply takes time to turn off and turn on the notebook all the time and remembering, ... Mostly your i am faster with your screenshots. |
Ken Blackwell (Blackie9) Master Solitaire Player Username: Blackie9
Post Number: 538 Registered: 8-2003
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 9:10 am: | |
I got on my moms mac
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1797 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 - 9:29 am: | |
Thanks, Ken. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 33 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Friday, November 26, 2010 - 7:07 am: | |
Thanks, all. I couldn't download the solution on my desktop for some reason, so I'm muddling through with Richard's play-by-play. I know this is really very time-consuming -- and I'm VERY appreciative of all the effort it has taken. Explaining each move, plus screenshots, are a great learning tool for me. I find that running the solutions goes so fast that I don't have the time to really study the moves. You are all wonderful to take so much time helping me. After a couple of hundred spider 2s I can solve most in record time, with the exception of the 3 latest ones which were REALLY impossible for me. P.S. If any of you celebrate Thanksgiving I hope you didn't have a turkey melt-down :--) Best, E. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 6141 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Friday, November 26, 2010 - 7:51 am: | |
Elaine, when you download a solution, save it before you do anything else. Then you have your own copy of the game and you can undo and redo each card as slowly as you want. To save it you need your Spider Two Suits open on your screen. At the top left you'll see "Game". Click that and then choose "Save" in the drop down menu. |
Markus Reischl (Markus) Master Solitaire Player Username: Markus
Post Number: 1798 Registered: 7-2009
| Posted on Friday, November 26, 2010 - 8:33 am: | |
Hi Elaine, here a link, which leads you to my description how to download and open a game. It is the last post in the thread. ../18/11230.htm l?1287474234 |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 34 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Friday, November 26, 2010 - 9:59 am: | |
Hi, Markus: Yes, I had already saved your instructions as a Word document so that I could refer to it for running subsequent solutions. Don't know why, but I didn't save correctly the first time. Chalk it up to a senior moment! All works fine now, though. Thanks, thanks, thanks once again. |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 512 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 - 3:03 pm: | |
For future reference, remember that saved games are interchangeable among Pretty Good Solitaire Mac Edition, Goodsol Solitaire 101, and Most Popular Solitaire. Spider Two Suits is included in all of them, and the latter two are (also) available on Windows.
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 37 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 5:21 pm: | |
Hi, all. Is spider 2 suits #117 winnable? |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 528 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 12:54 pm: | |
>Is spider 2 suits #117 winnable? Yes, it is winnable. The key (for me) was to move the Ace of Hearts onto the 2 of Spades (rather than one of the more obvious AS moves) at the start. From there, I was able to almost completely clear the fourth and fifth columns with only one more deal. I hope that helps.
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 38 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2011 - 7:26 pm: | |
Thanks, Gregg. I'll try it your way. |
Elaine Ferat (Katiekatemom) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Katiekatemom
Post Number: 39 Registered: 6-2010
| Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 - 8:46 am: | |
Yep, it finally worked. Not a fun one, though. Thanks, Gregg