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| Posted on Monday, May 05, 2003 - 8:44 pm: | |
I downloaded the additional tilesets into the same folder where PGMahJongg is, but they don't show up when I open the game to play. How can I get the tilesets installed in the right place? |
Thomas Warfield (Support)
Moderator Username: Support
Post Number: 298 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, May 06, 2003 - 12:44 pm: | |
Make sure you run the downloaded file to install. The .tiles files should be in the Pretty Good MahJongg folder. Then start up the game and they should be there. If you have the game running, you need to exit and restart. |
Carole Renaud (Webmom) New Solitaire Player Username: Webmom
Post Number: 1 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Friday, June 27, 2003 - 11:22 am: | |
Could you put the patriot pictures into pretty good mahjongg |
Skip Ashton Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, October 20, 2003 - 5:20 pm: | |
I too downloaded the additional tilesets and they do not show up in the options. The files do show up in the proper folder. I have tried this on two different computers running two versions of Windows with the same result. I am not yet a registered user for PGMJ. Is this the reason the tilesets do not show up? |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 48 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 10:46 am: | |
>I too downloaded the additional tilesets and they do not show up in the options. The files do show up in the proper folder. I have tried this on two different computers running two versions of Windows with the same result. Are you certain that the '.tiles' files (not the '.exe' files) are in the PGMJ directory? If these files are there (and not corrupted in some way) then they should appear in the program options. Which tile sets are not appearing for you? Are you trying this in a tile matching game? Certain tile sets, specifically 'Flags of the World' and 'Traffic Signs' (as well as the included 'International Marine Signal Flags' set) cannot be used in the solitaire games, since they do not have ranks and suits. The best way to confirm that a tile set is (or is not) available is to select the global options dialog ('Options|Options...' from any menu), click on the 'Graphics' tab, and then see whether the new tiles are listed in the 'Solitaire Tiles' and/or 'Matching Tiles' dropdown lists. >I am not yet a registered user for PGMJ. Is this the reason the tilesets do not show up? No, this is not the problem. All of the downloadable tile sets are (currently) usable in the unregistered version of Pretty Good MahJongg. |
Skip Ashton Unregistered guest
| Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 7:00 pm: | |
I downloaded the complete file (11+ MB) The tilesets.exe file is still in my download directory. and all of the *.tiles files are in the PGMJ directory. There are thirteen (13) *.tiles files in the PGMJ directory, but only five (5) show up in the Matching Tiles in the Options screen. These are American Mahjongg Tiles, Flags of the World, International Signal Flags, Simple, and Traffic Signs. The ones NOT showing up are Antique, Bakelite, Black, Chinese, English, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan. (Only 2 show up in the Solitaire Tiles screen, American Mahjongg Tiles and Simple Tiles). I have tried this on two different computers with two different versions of Windows (98 SE and XP) with the same result. As I was finishing up this reply, I downloaded the Antique tileset by itself and it installed just fine. This leads me to believe that there may be a problem with the tilesets.exe file that has all of the tilesets toghether. The file date on the Antique tileset by itself is 9/15/2002, whereas the date on all the others from the tilesets.exe file is 4/25/2003. I figured out this much, now it is your turn!  |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 49 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 7:52 pm: | |
>As I was finishing up this reply, I downloaded the Antique tileset by itself and it installed just fine. This leads me to believe that there may be a problem with the tilesets.exe file that has all of the tilesets toghether. The file date on the Antique tileset by itself is 9/15/2002, whereas the date on all the others from the tilesets.exe file is 4/25/2003. I figured out this much, now it is your turn! I owe you an apology. You are absolutely correct, and when I attempted to verify your problem, I did it with individual tile sets rather than with the complete file. I have now confirmed your findings exactly. In the complete tileset file, only 'Flags of the World' and 'Traffic Signs' are identical to the individual versions. The others are newer (in 'tilesets.exe'), for having a text description added to the file, and they will not work in the unregistered version. I am sorry for the confusion. I think that we will need to make this more consistent, one way or the other.  |
Skip Ashton Unregistered guest
| Posted on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 6:54 pm: | |
Either that or put a message on the web page that the full download (tilesets.exe) is only for registered users. I think there is something similar on the cardsets for Good Solitaire. BTW all individual tilessets worked just fine. |
Thomas Warfield (Support) Moderator Username: Support
Post Number: 507 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 9:19 am: | |
Hi Skip, I'm not sure how it happened, but the tilesets in the full download were older versions of the tilesets. I've fixed that now so that they match the files in the individual downloads and now they should work.
Rob Deans Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, February 09, 2004 - 12:09 pm: | |
I have just downladed the additional tile sets and although after running the installation program they show in the correct directory they are not available in the game. I tried downloading the tile sets as one file and individually, but it makes no difference. I have repeated both types of download several times and still no success. If I double click on the tileset icon in the game directory, which is not displaying the same graphic as the rest of the working tilesets, then windows says it cannot open the tileset despite it being correctly associated with pgmj.exe. Under properties the tileset shows 2.32MB whilst correctly working tilesets show 13.5KB. No problem with downloading and installing the additional layouts. |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 82 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Monday, February 09, 2004 - 12:40 pm: | |
>I have just downladed the additional tile sets and although after running the installation program they show in the correct directory they are not available in the game. Please try the following: 1. Launch Pretty Good MahJongg using the desktop icon (or from the 'Start' menu). 2. Click on the 'Options' button on the toolbar (or select 'Options|Options...' from the game menu). 3. Select the 'Graphics' tab. 4. Check the 'Solitaire Tiles' and 'Matching Tiles' dropdown lists to see which tilesets appear here. If you completed the installation successfully to the Pretty Good MahJongg directory (default), then any new tilesets should appear here. >I tried downloading the tile sets as one file and individually, but it makes no difference. >I have repeated both types of download several times and still no success. I have double-checked the first two downloads (all tilesets and 'Traffic Signs') and they are both working fine here, so I do not think that downloading again will help. >If I double click on the tileset icon in the game directory, which is not displaying the same graphic as the rest of the working tilesets, then windows says it cannot open the tileset despite it being correctly associated with pgmj.exe. Under properties the tileset shows 2.32MB whilst correctly working tilesets show 13.5KB. We do not make a file association between tile set files (*.tiles) and PGMJ, and the program is not intended to launch that way. I suspect that is the issue here (although I do not know how the file assocation was made in the first place). There IS a file association between layout files (*.layout) and PGMJ, and double-clicking a layout file will properly launch the game (into the selected layout). The smaller files are layout files; no tileset is anywhere near that small. (Every current tile set file is over 2M, since they all contain lots of graphics.) >No problem with downloading and installing the additional layouts. I think that your new tile sets are probably already installed correctly, but it was not clear that they cannot be launched through a file association. (The game would try to load them as a layout file, unsuccessfully.) Perhaps we should add a file association for the tile set files, too... Anyway, please let us know if my speculation is correct.  |
Rob Deans Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, February 09, 2004 - 3:45 pm: | |
I deleted PGM from my hard drive and reinstalled the game, additional layouts and additional tile sets. There is now no file association either for the layouts or the tile sets if you double click from within the directory. Windows then prompts to assign a program, which is how I think I got one the first time around. No problem though as everything now works fine. The tilesets are to be found as you indicated under Options Options Graphics in the general toolbar or under Options Tileset from within any particular game layout. I think the misunderstanding initially arose on expecting to see the tilesets appear as icons like the game layouts which appear when the game is opened. Not seeing them I hunted in the directory, made a file association which enabled the game layouts to launch, but which did not enable the tilesets to launch - because, as you point out, that is not how they are meant to be opened. All fixed now - thanks. |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 83 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 3:32 am: | |
>All fixed now - thanks. Excellent. Thank you for the details, too, as it helps us to understand how we might improve the program for the next version. |
Elaine Kitchel (Ekitchel) New Solitaire Player Username: Ekitchel
Post Number: 1 Registered: 4-2005
| Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 12:32 pm: | |
Hello, I'm working on a version of Mahjong for kids who are visually impaired and blind. My company, the American Printing House for the Blind, a non-profit company, would like to use the tileset found in Pretty Good Mahjong and modify it a little so that kids can see the characters better. Does anyone know who I might contact to get permission (or denial) to use and modify the oriental tileset? If so, please send contact info to me, Elaine Kitchel, Thanks a bunch, Elaine Kitchel Research Scientist American Printing House for the Blind |
Gregg Seelhoff (Seelhoff) Master Solitaire Player Username: Seelhoff
Post Number: 175 Registered: 1-2003
| Posted on Monday, April 25, 2005 - 2:04 pm: | |
>I'm working on a version of Mahjong for kids who are visually impaired and blind. My company, the American Printing House for the Blind, a non-profit company, would like to use the tileset found in Pretty Good Mahjong and modify it a little so that kids can see the characters better. That definitely sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. >Does anyone know who I might contact to get permission (or denial) to use and modify the oriental tileset? I am not sure which tileset you mean by "oriental", but you may want to try the 'Simple Tiles' set (installed by default) which should be much easier to read. Anyway, in response to your question, I have emailed you the necessary contact information. I certainly hope we can help.