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Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1017 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 12:59 am: | |
Lately, a lot of games I have played before with medium size cards are now small and the medium option is grayed out. I can't see well enough to play the small size cards. Why all of a sudden are the cards smaller when they weren't before, and is there any way I can change them back to medium? |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5285 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 2:35 am: | |
This happens to me quite a lot Kathy. If PGS opens up in a small window the options for resizing the cards will be greyed out. Put it onto the maximum window by clicking the middle of the three tabs at the top right of your screen. Then choose the maximum size it allows. Then go back into options right away and everything should be back to normal, allowing you to choose whatever size you want. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5286 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 2:44 am: | |
You could also change the Display Settings of your PC. On this one it is Control Panel then Personilisation then Display Settings. Doing this will make EVERYTHING bigger but obviously with less on the screen at a time. You'd need to scroll more with some things you are using. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5287 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 5:48 am: | |
I finally caught one! In this example you can see that although "medium" is checked it is greyed out. I'd go to options and be oibliged to click on "small". Then I'd go back there again and get the full choice of sizes.
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1019 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 5:53 am: | |
I always open PGS using the maximum window, so that can't be the problem. I checked under options in PGS, and I have medium checked as the default size. Also, some of the games when I start them have huge cards, but those I can change. |
Thomas Warfield (Admin) Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 6 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 9:19 am: | |
You have probably changed the screen resolution. The game has a large layout and won't fit on the screen under the current setting of Medium, so the game had to reduce the card size to small to fit the game on the screen. Which card sizes are available in a particular game depends on a number of factors: 1) the size of the layout of the particular game. Games with smaller layouts allow for larger card sizes, games with large layouts can only use smaller cards. The number of sizes available will depend on the game. 2) the size of the game window. Making the game window bigger may allow for more card sizes to be available. Maximizing the game window is recommended. 3) the screen resolution. Larger screen resolutions will allow for more card sizes to be available. Screen resolution can be changed in the Control Panel, Display area in Windows or from the main screen of the game, Options menu. If you switch the screen resolution to a higher resolution, you'll probably be able to see the old size again. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1022 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 1:23 pm: | |
I'll try changing the screen resolution, Thomas. The only thing I want to mention though is that I don't remember changing the resolution lately, and when I played these certain games before (like Double Sea Towers), the card size was medium. Then all of a sudden this happened. I'll let you know if changing the resolution helped. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1023 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 1:29 pm: | |
I changed the screen resolution to the next highest, and that still didn't solve the problem. I still could not change the card size, and medium was grayed out. I also did what Richard said, but that didn't work either. I guess I'll just not be able to play those games as my eyesight is not that good. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5298 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Friday, July 02, 2010 - 11:32 am: | |
This fries my brain too at times Kathy. I KNOW that Liz doesn't change the screen resolution. She doesn't know how to. I also KNOW that when I switch off at night/early morning everything is as it should be. Despite this the resolution problems do manifest themselves the following day. I'm not daft, at least not totally, so I know that something is "rotten in the state of Denmark". It's no big deal anyway. I can resolve the "problem" pdq when/if it arises, but I am always curious about it's cause. My FINAL opinion is that some other program that Liz plays before I'm out of my scratcher is the root cause. I KNOW that the Monopoly software changes the resolution itself before it allows us to play. I believe that other games software could be doing so and is not reversing this process when she is finished playing it in the morning. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1035 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Friday, July 02, 2010 - 1:19 pm: | |
I don't play any other games though, only PGS. It was interesting this morning when I clicked on Twister and when the screen came up the cards were huge. I was able to change them back, but what could have caused that between playing one game and the next? I don't turn off my computer. I put it in hibernation mode. So everything should have come back just as it was before. Sometimes computers make me so angry. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1136 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - 5:28 am: | |
Thomas, I'm finding more and more card sizes that used to be medium now are small and can't be changed back. I've tried the solutions suggested to me. Do you think I should just reinstall PGS? |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1139 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - 8:20 pm: | |
Does anyone have any more suggestions about my problem with being unable to change the card sizes other than the ones above? If not, my only other alternative would be to reinstall PGS. This morning, I opened up Accordion which I have played for years with medium size cards, and all of a sudden the cards were small, and I couldn't change them back to medium. |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1777 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - 11:11 pm: | |
It looks like you have tried all the above mentioned solutions. But just try a couple of them again. One. Click on the options tab one more time. Then click on "Change Screen Resolution". Then click on the highest resolution. If there is an option for "Apply" make sure you click on that. See what happens. Two. Use the windows screen resolution option again. Make sure you use "Apply" here. Or the resolution will not change. Let us know what happens. |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1778 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - 11:13 pm: | |
I have my "card sizes" set on "automatic". |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1140 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 4:48 am: | |
It didn't work. When I change the screen resolution to a higher resolution, then everything is smaller. If I change it to a lower resolution, everything is too big. I just wonder why this started happening recently. I've played Double Sea Towers at least 200 times with medium cards. Then all of a sudden, I decided to play it again, and the cards were small and the medium option grayed out. Perhaps some other program I used did this. Otherwise, I have no idea what has happened. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5438 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 5:21 am: | |
Kathy, Do you have System Restore? If you select the correct time span this could take you back to before the problem occurred. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1141 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 5:27 am: | |
I forgot about that. I'll try that next after I get up. I have to go back to bed with a bad headache. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1142 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 9:05 am: | |
Restore point didn't work. Then I tried playing a trial version I have of 101. I played the game Montana, and the cards were of medium size. When I played Montana on PGS, the cards were of small size and could not be changed. So, it seems like there is something wrong with my PGS since I don't have the same problem with 101. |
Richard Mechen (Richardscotland) Master Solitaire Player Username: Richardscotland
Post Number: 5439 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 11:37 am: | |
Sorry Kathy. This is outwith my area of expertise. Thomas or Gregg should be able to assist you. I noticed that Trisha is having similar problems, It's always a boost when you know it's not just you. Good luck with it. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1146 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 12:38 pm: | |
It's so frustrating, Richard. Thomas tells me that the cards have to be that size for the game. But I've played the game(s) with medium size cards for years. So I don't understand why it's changed suddenly. I guess if Thomas can't help me, then nobody can. Thanks anyway. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1190 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 1:50 pm: | |
Can anyone with computer knowledge explain to me why for over 10 years I could play a game, i.e., Accordion, with medium-sized cards, and now all of a sudden the cards are small and the medium option is grayed out. I have never changed my screen resolution in all these years. If I could play with medium cards before why can't I do that now. I am so frustrated. I cannot see the smaller cards and thus can't play those games anymore. |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1793 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 4:07 pm: | |
Kathy. If Thomas has not come up with an answer to your problem then I would think it is unsolvable. You have tried everything that was suggested. If you still have the demo of 101 on your computer you might try deleting that and any other PGS demos that might be there. Reloading must be done carefully. You must do a back up of your stats. Then you can retrieve then after you have made the new install. that might be to much for you to do. You have to create a place on the drive to put them. That gets confusing sometimes. Also remember to write down you registration key. Last thing to try. Go to "Options" then click again on the "Options" tab. Select "Cards and Decks" play around with the card size options and see if anything happens. Good luck. |
Thomas Warfield (Admin) Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 8 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 5:10 pm: | |
It is possible the screen resolution has changed. Also, the game Accordion itself has changed in recent versions, the screen layout has changed allowing more cards to be displayed on the screen, which changes the requirements for how much screen space it takes up. This could mean that the game will no longer fit on the screen for larger sized cards and the larger sizes may be unavailable, depending on the screen resolution. It is a trade-off for the ability to display the entire deck on the screen, which wasn't possible in older versions of Accordion (displaying the entire deck is vital part of a winning strategy in that game).
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1192 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 11:23 pm: | |
Do you think I should downgrade to a different version then, since I checked the screen resolution, and it's the same as it always has been? |
Glen McDiarmid (Glenmcd) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Glenmcd
Post Number: 27 Registered: 5-2010
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 - 2:37 pm: | |
Kathy, a "quick fix" for you is to have card size set to "automatic", and whenever PGS gets the card size or card layout wrong for any reason, again choose "automatic" even though it's already set to this. This is what happens on my system with PGS V12.3: PGS gets the card size wrong in many situations including changing from normalised to maximised window or vice versa, running a game that runs in full screen, moving the PGS window between primary and secondary displays and more. PGS won't open any window on my secondary monitor, regardless of the resolution settings. It remembers whether its window was maximised or not when it was last closed. If the window is normalised when closed, it will open normalised but at some random screen position, usually with a good size portion of the window beyond the edge of the display, both top and left. Whether I normalise or maximise, the card size and layout is only good for one of them until such time that I manually select "automatic" card size, at which time both card size and layout always comes good, even after I've dragged the PGS window onto the secondary display and then maximised. If I change the normalised Window size, PGS doesn't change the card size or layout to suit, again unless I go into options and select "automatic" yet again. If I've got a full screen game running at 640 x 480 resolution and use alt-tab to swap between it and PGS, PGS changes to a smaller sized window, but it still thinks that it is maximised. So only the "normalise" button is available. Once I click on that, I get the "maximise" button again and this finally gets it back to maximised and with correct card size and layout. I've also had PGS open its Window behind another Window, (such as the Internet Explorer that I'm typing into now), however this was after I had "tortured" it with lots of display changes. My system is Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate, 4GB ram, 2TB C:, quad core CPU, 9800GTX video. I was running Windows XP 32-bit until recently and I can't say I've noticed any changes in behaviour in PGS V12.3, with exception of cards moving to the foundation using AutoPlay or AutoMove. With the newer O/S, the cards move instantly rather than having a short delay between each. Even if you've still got 52 cards left but they're in order, AutoMove will get them all onto the foundations in the blink of an eye. Fine with me. As for the card size thing, as I tend to play it on the primary display, maximised window, never change screen resolution and with most of my full screen games have managed to get them to run at desktop resolution, I rarely have to use the above workaround any more. But it would be good to see fixed for sure.
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1345 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 - 2:47 pm: | |
Glen, I already tried your "quick fix". It still didn't work. Thomas said that maybe the reason why I used to be able to get bigger sized cards and can't now is that with the newest version of PGS, things changed and the card sizes can't be changed to what I want them to be. It's a shame because I can't see the cards when they are smaller like that, but it's just something I'll have to live with. On a lighter note, can you explain what you just posted to me in English? I feel like I've just read something in a foreign language. Just kidding. I'm not up to par on programming stuff. |
Mike Butler (Butler77) Master Solitaire Player Username: Butler77
Post Number: 1867 Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 - 4:13 pm: | |
Glen is just saying that his computer is up to date. A newer one. Kathy. Did you notice his advice to try "Automatic" twice. |
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1347 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 - 10:49 pm: | |
Yes I did, Mike, and even though I tried it before, I tried it again this time. It still doesn't work. Maybe it's because I have a very old computer, over 15 years, I lost count after that. I'll have to see if Glen thinks maybe that's the problem. Of course, I have no way to get a new computer, but at least it would explain the problem. |
Glen McDiarmid (Glenmcd) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Glenmcd
Post Number: 28 Registered: 5-2010
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 - 11:46 pm: | |
Well, I'm really surprised that clicking on automatic card size each and every time you have a card size or layout problem doesn't fix it for you. I gave my computer specifications in case T/G needed it in order to duplicate the problems I described. I doubt that even a 15 year old computer would cause this problem for you. If you were using an extremely old Windows version, that is more likely to make a difference. Please describe what happens when your card size is wrong, and you click on "automatic" again. Is that option actually selectable still? Do the cards move or resize at all? Are you using a custom card set? If so, go back to the original (default) card set and try again. Think about anything else that is different in your system or in the way that you've installed PGS to other systems that don't have that problem. Find why you have the problem first, then consider ways to deal with it so that you can play it okay. Kathy, it's probably a good idea to provide some specifics about your system so that others can perhaps duplicate the problem. The most important things are the full PGS version, which Windows you are using, any and all of the screen resolutions that you use (actual pixel sizes), and anything else in your system that you'd consider that most other people wouldn't have. In my case, it's using two monitors at the same time with different resolutions. If I can I'll use the resolutions that you use and the version that you use to see if I can get it to happen for me too. One more thing to try: close the game Window, and then run that same game again immediately. Make sure that card size is set to "automatic" first. That should definately work :-)
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1349 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 4:08 am: | |
Glen, I tried your last suggestion first, and of course it didn't work. I have Windows XP on a Compaq Presario computer. My screen resolution is 1024 x 760 256 colors. I even tried changing the colors option, i.e., to 16 bit, but that didn't work either. When I tried to change the resolution when this problem began, if I increased the resolution, the cards got even smaller, and when I decreased the resolution, the cards were too big. I have the default card set. When I look at the card size listing for a game like Double Sea Towers, the medium card size which is the one I want is checked, but it is grayed out, and the automatic is checked but is black along with standard and small which means they are the only options I can use. I cannot use Windows Explorer on my computer if that could possibly have anything to do with it because when I upgraded to IE8, it wouldn't work, and so I use Firefox as my web browser. Let me know if you need any more info about my system. Also, I have the full PGS version but never had this problem until I upgraded to the latest version, but I tried to change back to an earlier version, and it won't allow me to do that. |
Glen McDiarmid (Glenmcd) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Glenmcd
Post Number: 29 Registered: 5-2010
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 7:17 am: | |
I haven't been able to get any further with the details you provided, and my setup won't let me use anything less than 16-bit color. Many programs won't let you have two versions installed at the same time. But you should always be able to uninstall the later version, restart your computer, install the old version, restart the computer and then it should run fine. It sounds like your computer is seriously old! So here's another thought. If you've got not much memory (like less than 512MB), this may explain why IE8 won't run, as it's a memory hog. Just because Windows doesn't refuse to install doesn't mean that it will be "smooth sailing". Some systems for example have memory taken out of them after Windows is installed. PGS may need more memory to use larger cards, and combined with the fact that the new version is larger and therefore requires more memory, this may explain what's happening. You can find out how much memory is available to programs by right clicking on "My Computer", select "properties" and in there you'll find "installed memory". I'm already clutching at straws here but there's a bunch of other even less likely causes, such as a virus on your system, corrupt Windows (more likely if the same Windows has been installed for more than 2 years) and finally, faulty hardware. If your computer restarts, gets the "blue screen of death" or locks up for no apparent reason, it's time to make some changes at the Windows or hardware level. I'm not sure where you live but here in Australia, new desktop and even laptop computers are seriously cheap.
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1350 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 7:36 am: | |
Glen, I found out I have 448 MB of installed memory, so maybe that's the problem not only with PGS but also with my inability to run IE. I did remove the newest version of PGS and went to the PGS site to install an earlier version, but it will only install the current version. There was an icon there about installing version 11.., but when I hit it, it just took me to the current version. So I think the problem is solved. Not enough RAM. And the only solution is getting a new computer. Thanks for your help. |
Glen McDiarmid (Glenmcd) Intermediate Solitaire Player Username: Glenmcd
Post Number: 30 Registered: 5-2010
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 8:10 am: | |
By less than 512MB of memory I was really talking about 256MB or less. You've actually got 512MB, and 64MB of it is used by resources such as video. So it's borderline as far as memory goes. Personally I'd just go with new hardware anyways, but wouldn't get too upset if you still had card size problems later. In the end, you need to decide which is more stress: putting up with the problem, spending an indefinate length of time looking for a solution, or paying out the cash for a new putie. I think the "15 years" makes a good decider.
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1351 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 8:19 am: | |
I think you're right, Glen. However, since I don't have the money to purchase a new computer, I think I'll just learn to live without being able to play certain games in PGS. That is unless you guys want to start a fund for me when this old machine finally wears out which will probably be in the near future. I'm surprised it has lasted this long. |
Thomas Warfield (Support) Moderator Username: Support
Post Number: 1369 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 8:51 am: | |
The primary factor that determines what card sizes are available is screen resolution. If you have a 15 year old computer, remember that 15 years ago there was only one card size, standard, and many games didn't exist and could not exist because there wasn't enough room on the screen to play them. That said, if you can run 1064x768 you are doing better than most from 15 years ago, so it seems likely you have a better monitor than what was available back then. But even in the days when that resolution was standard, there were only 3 card sizes and some games (large table games) would probably not have the largest of those available because the game would not fit with those cards. In 1064x768, you probably aren't going to be able to use the 2 largest card sizes except in games with very small layouts, since those larger sizes are for bigger screens. The biggest factor in what screen resolution your computer can use is your monitor (and possibly affected by your video card as well). Getting a bigger monitor would do more than anything else to increase the screen resolution you could use and therefore increase the card size you can use. The only changes from version to version would be in specific games where the resolution requirements may have been adjusted to make sure that the cards fit on the screen in that game. If you are installing an older version, you must uninstall the current version or change the installation folder, otherwise the older version will not install over the newer version.
Kathy Quade (Kathyquade) Master Solitaire Player Username: Kathyquade
Post Number: 1352 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 2:14 pm: | |
Thanks for clarifying that for me, Thomas. I do have a 17 inch monitor, but I don't know if that makes any difference or not because I've had this monitor for about 10 years. There are some buttons on the front of the monitor I just looked at, and when I push the main button, it says 1024 x 768, H: 48.4K, V: 60.Hz. There may be a way to change that, but I lost the instructions for the monitor, so I don't know how to do it. |
Thomas Warfield (Support) Moderator Username: Support
Post Number: 1370 Registered: 12-2002
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 4:50 pm: | |
If your monitor is 10 years old, it's unlikely it can go beyond 1024x768, that was state of the art at the time. These days the new widescreen, flat panel monitors can go far beyond that. That's what the larger card sizes are designed for.